Basware Acquires AP Matching

Basware Acquires AP Matching The acquisition unifies invoice processing and statement reconciliation to drive accuracy and cost savings for...

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The Benefits of Real-Time Data Checking Using APIs

The definition of ‘real-time data checking’ Not so many years ago, one of the lenses that businesses used when looking at new technology...

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Practical Tips and Best Practices for UK SOx Compliance in Large Businesses (PIEs)

An overview of key steps for successfully implementing UK SOx UK SOx is now upon us, and enterprises in the scope of the legislation need to be on...

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Maximizing Financial Integrity with AP Statement Matching

The quest for financial integrity Financial integrity is a non-negotiable imperative. In the quest for financial integrity, enterprise-scale...

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Next-Level Invoice Matching: Integrating with ERP Systems

As complex as it has ever been For today's enterprises, the operating environment is as complex as it has ever been. Governance, compliance,...

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